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Last event date: Saturday, May 14 2022 6:00PM

Saturday, 14 May 2022, 6.00 pm
Approx. until 7.40 pm
Müpa Budapest Rehearsal room of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra
Chamber music season ticket / 5

Open rehearsal room
Chamber concert by the artists of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra and Hungarian National Choir

A Renaissance selection from the 16th century, works from well-known and unfamiliar masters
Ferenc Kócziás trombone
Zsuzsanna Molnár, Péter Sárosi violin
Zoltán Kökényessy viola
Zsuzsanna Bajner cello
Gergely Bíró percussion

David Lang: Just (After Song of Songs)
Márta Murányi, Sára Dezső, Judit Varga-Szathmáry voice
Dénes Ludmány viola
Mátyás Hotzi cello
Nándor Weisz percussion

Péter Eötvös: Psy
Zsófia Embey-Isztin flute
Gyöngyi Ujházi cello
Szabolcs Joó marimba

Markus Stockhausen: Five Pieces for Trumpet and Vibraphone
Zoltán Molnár trumpet
Szabolcs Joó vibraphone


Josef Rheinberger: Die Wasserfee, op. 21
Johannes Brahms: Gypsy Songs, op. 103 (excerpts)
Ágnes Kristófi soprano
Sára Dezső alto
Donát Varga tenor
N.N.  bass
Dóra Bizják piano

Bánk Sáry: Hymn of Fire (from the poems of Attila József)
Márta Murányi soprano
Eszter Puskás alto

Heitor Villa-Lobos: Bachianas Brasileiras, No. 5 – I.: Aria (Cantilena), II.: Danza
Ágnes Bálint soprano
Balázs Kántor, Zsuzsanna Bajner, Tünde Lukács, Sándor Harangozó, Mariann Pleszkán, Tamás Koó, György Deák, Szilvia Lantos cello

Host: Aida Buzás, the programme manager for the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra

Our offer

Concert-format opera performance in three acts, with one intermission, in French

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